Honestly, I believe that pulling a tablecloth out from underneath a whole bunch of dishes without letting any of them fall is one of the most impressive feats that a human person can accomplish. Maybe that’s because it’s just not a feat that I will ever be able to do.
But low and behold, International Playthings’ Game Zone makes all of my dreams come true in a game designed for preschoolers, Crazy Cafe.
In Crazy Cafe, players spin the spinner to decide whether or not they’ll place an object on the table, stack an object on top of another object that’s already been placed, take an object off the table, or pull the tablecloth out without knocking anything off the table.
I was actually getting the hang of this—and basically thinking I was a magician—when there were just a couple of objects on the table, but the more objects that were added, and, even moreso, the more items that were stacked, the harder the challenge became. Kids will have fun getting better and better at pulling the tablecloth, and they’ll especially love making the mess along the way.
The objects are brightly colored and chunky, the perfect design for kids in this age range. They’re easy to pick up and maneuver, although some of the odd shapes may be a bit tricky to stack, which is all part of the fun. The table is actually made out of the bottom of the game’s box (so convenient!), so kids can pretty much play on any flat surface without having to carry around extra pieces.
Plus, added bonus play value comes from the fact that if kids aren’t playing the game, they can use the pieces and the table for role-play and imaginative fun, creating their own restaurants, kitchens, or crazy cafes.