Tomy.PokemonBattleReadyPikachuPikachu is one of the most popular Pokémon mascots, and it’s easy to see why: Along with being both loyal and courageous, Pikachu can channel electricity at anything that threatens him or his master. The Pokémon Battle Ready Pikachu, from Tomy for kids ages 4 and up, is kind of similar, though what projects from its body are soft foam discs. After loading these via a hatch on top of the toy, a simple press of Pikachu’s paw causes the internal motor to start revving. Then, by pulling down on the right ear, the fan-favorite mascot can fire discs in the direction of adversaries, all the while quoting Sun Tzu’s philosophies on military strategy (Alright, it says, “Pikaaaaaa-chu!” and other phrases that fans of the video game and TV series will recognize.)

Pokémon Battle Ready Pikachu also comes with a backpack featuring an adjustable strap, as well as a pouch for storing Pikachu’s discs. Doubtlessly inspired by how the character is a good companion to its human trainer, kids can sit their Pikachu on their shoulder, thanks to a perch that is part of the strap. Kids can more easily activate the toy and launch its projectiles from this position; more importantly, however, they can roleplay the friendship that have long made Pikachu and Ash into an unbeatable combination.

About the author

Phil Guie

Phil Guie

Phil Guie is an associate editor at Adventure Publishing Group. He writes and edits articles for The Toy Book and The Licensing Book. Phil also serves as lead editor for The Toy Book Blog and The Toy Report newsletter, and manages social media for The Toy Book. But of course, Phil’s pride and joy are his weekly reviews for The Toy Insider, in which he writes about video games, movies, and other cool things. His hobbies include comics, baking, fidgeting, and traveling to off-the-beaten places and making new friends.
