As a kid, I loved stuff that could serve more than one purpose. I especially loved travel-sized things, self-storing toys, compact packaging, and things that fit together for portability or storage. I had a Polly Pocket that I thought was just the coolest, for its snap-close, stick-it-in-your-pocket-for-later design; I also had an awesome plush catarpillar bag that I used both as a stylish accessory and a fun way to carry my Barbies to my friend’s house. So naturally, I think that the Hot Wheels Racing Battle Case, from Neat-Oh!, is just as awesome for boys—or car enthusiast girls—because it not only stores Hot Wheels cars, it folds out to provide a fun way to play with them as well.
The Battle Case has enough space to store up to 20 Hot Wheels cars. The track is flat when folded against the case, and easily flips out, doubling its length and creating a steep racetrack for four cars to zoom down side-by-side. The case also features a carrying handle, which flips down to be out of the way and allows kids to use the inner handle to lift the car storage piece up. The storage area lines up perfectly with the track, so kids can simply lift the cars to the level of the track and watch them speed down.
The Battle Case is a great, compact way for kids to store or bring their cars, and then provides awesome added play value with the track. Because of the steep drop of the track, kids can make their own path at the bottom, and the cars have enough speed to maneuver through an additional course. The design of the storage area encourages organization—something moms love, too.