hotwheelsrc2I could play with R/C toys forever. Whether it flies or drives, I can’t wait to make it zip around the house or perform loops in the sky. With the Team Hot Wheels R/C Energy 24 Ours car and Baja Truck from Toy State, kids can collect and drive these nifty little cars that come in a portable carry/storage case.

hotwheelsrcThe first thing I was most intrigued by was the packaging. The car and remote come in this tube-like case with a handle on top, so kids can easily store the car and bring it with them on the go. After opening the container, it even took me a little while to figure out where the remote was stored because it’s so tiny. The mini remote has the basic functions: forward, backward, left, and right, allowing kids to steer the car or truck with ease. It was refreshing to play with an R/C car that didn’t have a bulky remote with a million functions that I’d have to figure out how to use.

It wouldn’t be Hot Wheels if the vehicles didn’t feature a cool body style and dynamic graphics, and these cars definitely fit the bill. 24 Ours is a neon-green car that features a sleek body style and a wing on the back of the car. The Baja Truck is a bright yellow pick-up truck that features a mean looking grill.

Kids ages six and up will have fun racing these cars and watching their engines light up when they’re in use.

About the author

Deanna Atkins

Deanna Atkins

Deanna Atkins is the editorial assistant at Adventure Publishing Group. She helps the editorial team on leading trade magazines The Toy Book and The Licensing Book, and contributes online at,, and When she’s not trying to keep up with Toy Insider Mom Laurie Schacht, she can be found reviewing kids’ CDs, DVDs, and books while daydreaming about the upcoming How to Train Your Dragon sequel and reading the dictionary. Follow her on Twitter @Deeeannuh and keep up with her bi-weekly, sometimes funny commentaries on
