The weather is getting chillier, which means it’s the perfect time to snuggle up!
The new Snuggle ‘n Hug plush line from Snap Toys, available later this fall, are super-soft cuddle buddies that just want warm hugs. The interactive plush friends are suitable for kids ages 1 and up, since they have embroidered features and no detachable parts.
Available as a walrus, an arctic bunny, a polar bear, or a penguin, the 11-inch stuffed animals each have their own personality and make up to 10 unique sounds and phrases. Each also wears earmuffs and/or a scarf that keep them cute and warm in an arctic climate.
When kids press the Snuggle ‘n Hug’s left paw or fin, the animal will show that its cold by shivering. Kids will also hear the animal’s teeth chattering. To stop the Snuggle ‘n Hug from shivering, kids can warm it up with a big hug. A button in the animal’s back senses the hug, which stops the shivering. The animal’s cheeks light up to show that it’s nice and warm, and it will say something like “I love warm hugs,” or “That hug was warmer than carrot soup!”
The Snuggle ‘n Hug plush are great for cuddling up as the seasons change, and they teach kids about nurturing behavior, empathy, and comfort.