Barbie’s favorite color may be pink, but the future of pink is green!
As part of “The Future of Pink is Green” Barbie brand campaign, Mattel is debuting a certified CarbonNeutral Inspiring Women doll and the 2022 Career of the Year Eco-Leadership Team. Mattel is also adding Dr. Jane Goodall to the collection of Inspiring Women dolls.
The newest Inspiring Women doll celebrates Dr. Jane Goodall, a renowned ethologist and conservationist, the founder of the Jane Goodall Institute, and a UN Messenger of Peace. The doll’s release coincides with Goodall’s 62-year anniversary of her first journey to Gombe National Park in Tanzania, Africa, which brought about groundbreaking research of wild chimpanzees. The Goodall doll comes with a miniature replica of David Greybeard, the first male chimp she discovered making tools out of sticks, as well as a variety of accessories, including a pair of binoculars and a watch.
Mattel also partnered with the Jane Goodall Institute to introduce the 2022 Career of the Year Eco-Leadership Team. Made from recycled ocean-bound plastic, the team of dolls features four roles that work to promote sustainability and protect the planet: conservation scientist, environmental advocate, renewable energy engineer, and chief sustainability officer. These dolls encourage kids to play out their own sustainability stories and learn more about green career paths.
The partnership also brought about the global youth Roots & Shoot program, which aims to inspire curiosity about the environment and teach kids about their social and environmental impacts. Kids can take little steps creating some big changes, including increasing local green spaces and community mapping, by following the #naturallycuriousjane challenge on social media.
The Jane Goodall Inspiring Women Doll is available to shop from Mattel Creations, Entertainment Earth, and Amazon for $35, while the 2022 Career of the Year Eco-Leadership Team is available for purchase from Mattel Creations for $555.