Some people may disagree, but having a dinosaur for a pet would be pretty cool. Although this isn’t Bedrock and I’m not Fred Flinstone, there’s still hope for kids with dinosaur obsessions similar to our Senior Editor Ali Mierzejewski’s (she’s all about the dinos).

Zoomer Dino, from Spin Master is an interactive dino friend that will be completely sassy at times, but will then love kids to pieces. Featuring light-up eyes, sounds, and incredible dino-sense abilities Zoomer Dino flawlessly balances on two wheels, roaming freely around the house. While Zoomer Dino does come with a remote control for kids to maneuver Dino, he’s certainly not easy to control (at least not at first). Just like a real dino, Zoomer Dino will get angry, spin around, chomp, roar, dance, fart, and burp whenever he pleases. He typically does what he wants when he wants, challenging users to try to tame him (but trust me, that’s the fun of it).

My favorite way to play with Zoomer Dino is in autonomous mode via the sensors in his nose. I was slightly surprised when he came right up to my fingers, sniffed, and rubbed his nose against my hand like a dog would do when you’re meeting him for the first time, but it was absolutely adorable. When Dino’s calm, I found that this is a good time to try to train him. It’s not always easy to get him into this mode and then to stay in it, but when he’s ready to be trained his eyes turn purple and kids can teach Dino to sit and talk which is done with a few easy hand gestures.

While this review doesn’t quite cover everything that Zoomer Dino does (c’mon, he’s a dinosaur. He’s full of surprises), check out the video below where one of our Toy Insider Kids demos her unruly Dino! And please remember, every Zoomer Dino needs care and patience—that’s what makes him so fun! So, I challenge you to control this Dino if you can.

Zoomer Dino from Spin Master was selected as a Top Tech 12 toy for the holiday season in the Toy Insider’s 2014 Holiday Gift Guide, featured in the November issue of Woman’s Day magazine. Check it out here!

About the author

Deanna Atkins

Deanna Atkins

Deanna Atkins is the editorial assistant at Adventure Publishing Group. She helps the editorial team on leading trade magazines The Toy Book and The Licensing Book, and contributes online at,, and When she’s not trying to keep up with Toy Insider Mom Laurie Schacht, she can be found reviewing kids’ CDs, DVDs, and books while daydreaming about the upcoming How to Train Your Dragon sequel and reading the dictionary. Follow her on Twitter @Deeeannuh and keep up with her bi-weekly, sometimes funny commentaries on
