Get egg-cited!

HatchiBabies, the newest Hatchimals from Spin Master, have arrived. These adorable Hatchimals come with a big mystery: Will you hatch a boy or a girl?

Just like other Hatchimals before them, HatchiBabies come in an egg that kids ages 5 and up can nurture and hatch. The first thing to know about HatchiBabies is that they won’t hatch on their own. They need lots of love and care before they’re ready to hatch.

Kids can pat, rub, and rock the egg to get the hatching process started. The HatchiBaby is already listening and interacting from inside the egg, too. Tap on the egg, then watch and listen as the HatchiBaby taps back. Put the egg down, and it will wiggle and wobble in it’s own, unlike any Hatchimal before.

The HatchiBaby’s eyes also shine through the egg, indicating different needs and moods. An included chart helps kids decipher the colors’ meanings and explains the appropriate response to each, for both before and after hatching.

The length of time the HatchiBaby stays in its egg depends how much constant care you give it. But once kids see rainbow eyes shining through, it is time to hatch.

Once the HatchiBaby breaks through its egg, it may need a bit of help clearing away the top shell. Then, after it gives a performance of “Hatchi-Birthday,” kids will discover two things about the HatchiBaby. First, they will learn whether they’ve hatched a boy or a girl based on its color (pink or blue). The HatchiBaby can also be one of two species, a Ponette or a Cheetree. A drawing on the box helps determine which type the HatchiBaby is.

The reveals don’t stop there, though. In the base of the egg, kids will find three compartments with peel-away covers. Inside those, they’ll discover accessories that can interact with their HatchiBaby: a bottle, rattle, brush, and cuddle buddy. The unit holding the accessories also doubles as a removable high chair for the HatchiBaby to sit in.

Although hatching the egg is fun, there is even more to do with HatchiBabies once they’re out of the egg! Unlike previous Hatchimals, the HatchiBabies don’t go through stages, instead remaining as babies. However, just like with real babies, that means the HatchiBaby needs plenty of attention and care.

Kids will learn how to help nurture the Hatchibaby in different situations, using both its touch-sensitive areas (forehead, feet) and the included accessories. For example, the cuddle buddy can sooth a sad or sleepy HatchiBaby, and kids can feed a hungry HatchiBaby with the bottle. Just be sure to read the instructions carefully for the right way to give the HatchiBabies these objects, or they won’t work.

Although HatchiBabies need lots of feeding and sleep, they are also ready to learn. Kids can teach their baby to talk and play five different games with them, including peek-a-boo and bouncy baby.

Overall, the HatchiBabies are an adorable addition to the Hatchimals line, full of new surprises and ways to nurture and play!

About the author

Madeleine Buckley

Madeleine Buckley

Madeleine Buckley was a Senior Editor at The Pop Insider, The Toy Insider, and The Toy Book. She covered all things toys and fandom, and has appeared on Cheddar and a variety of regional news networks to talk about the latest trends in both. She is a movie score enthusiast, mediocre knitter, proud Syracuse alumna, and Marvel lover. You can usually find her at the movies or hanging out at home with her super-pup, Parker.
