Hello Kitty may not be prepared to help parents raise their actual babies, but she is on her way to help kids raise their virtual ones.

The Hello Kitty Tamagotchi combines two big components of a lot of people’s childhoods into a pocket-sized game. The friendly character helps players raise the Tamagotchi from egg to baby to adult. She’ll give it milk or apple pie and help tidy up its space. Like the true friend she is, Hello Kitty will also play the Piano Game or the Balloon Game with the Tamagotchi character.

Fans of the two brands can pick up the Tamagotchi in December or preorder it now for $19.99. It will be available at hobby shops, GameStop, and Amazon.

Kids ages 8 and up can choose between two styles that house the Tamagotchi-fied Hello Kitty. A white shell has Hello Kitty’s classic red bow and whiskers, while a red shell showcases some of her favorite things.

About the author

Nicole Savas

Nicole Savas

As a kid, Nicole either wanted to be a professional toy player-wither or a writer. Somehow, as social media editor for The Toy Insider, The Toy Book, and The Pop Insider, she’s found a career as both. She's grateful to work somewhere that she can fully embrace both her love of teddy bears and her admiration for the Oxford comma. When she's not playing with toys at work, she's playing with her baby girl at home.
