
In Knolly Nibbles: A Tale of Tails, an animated storybook app created and written by Michele Goren (adapted and developed by Lagoon Black into an animated storybook app), the story follows an adorable little mouse with no tail who longs to be the same as all the other mice in her class. As kids read along with the app, they will laugh, learn, and most importantly, understand the importance of individuality.

The entire story contains 18 chapters that may be read individually or as one store in the App Video feature. While kids read along with the narrator, they can touch each word to hear it pronounced again, replay the animation on the page, and flip the page forward and backward as they bring the story to life.


When the story first opens, the readers are welcomed into Nibbleville, the colorful and animated world where Knolly Nibbles and her friends and family live. At the beginning of the story, the narrator explains that Knolly loves chocolate and nothing makes her happier than when she bakes with her mom. One day, when Knolly is so sad that not even a little baking can boost her spirits, her mother knows that something must be wrong.

Knolly confesses to her mother that one of her classmates teased her because she has no tail and she asks her mother if she was sad when Knolly was born without one. Her mom tells her that when she was born her parents did cry, but it was because they were so happy to have Knolly and her adorable heart-shaped ears in their life.

While this boosts Knolly’s spirits a bit, she still longs to have a tail of her own. Knolly’s mom suggests that the two try to make Knolly her very own tail, and they spend the remainder of the afternoon crafting unique patterns, colors, and designs for Knolly’s tail. The little mouse tries on a peacock tail, a monkey tail, a mermaid tail, a dog tail, and even a mouse tail, each time realizing that while they are nice, they just aren’t right for her.

At the end of the day, Knolly comes to the conclusion all on her own that while a tail might work for her friends, everyone is unique, and she is happy to be without one because that’s what makes her special.

Through the animated story, kids will learn about different emotions, how to express their feelings to others, the importance of individuality, and most importantly, how to love themselves. The best part yet, for any kids, parents, and grandparents who have already fallen in love with Knolly Nibbles,  a new toy line will be available this fall.


About the author

Stephanie Grassullo

Stephanie Grassullo

Stephanie Grassullo is an associate editor at Adventure Publishing Group. In addition to handling toy and licensing news and updates for The Toy Book and The Licensing Book, Stephanie also writes toy reviews and commentaries for the Toy Insider. When she’s not binge-watching old episodes of Gossip Girl, Stephanie is always game for Boggle tournaments—she’s the titleholder Boggle champion in her family, and proud of it! Stephanie firmly believes that there is no awkward moment that can’t be remedied with the help of Bop It. To get to know her better, follow her on Twitter @steph_grass.
