Whether it was a bad day or just not a perfect one, sometimes a hug is all anybody needs to feel better. Love to Hug Elmo, from Hasbro, is the huggable best friend every kid needs. 

Squeeze the soft, squishy plush, and he will throw his arms up and ask for a hug. When kids hug Elmo, he responds with phrases that are sure to get kids laughing and smiling. He also sings the Hug Song. Flip the switch on his back to Spanish mode to hear his bilingual music repetoire or for an abrazo.

Elmo is made with red, fuzzy fabric and has stuffed legs. His arms, head, and tummy are not the huggable texture you are used to from a plush character, but that’s the reason he can talk and lift up his arms, so it’s completely worth it. His inner plastic center is what operates all of his moves.

Two AA batteries are included to power up Love to Hug Elmo. He sings and speaks in his easily recognizable, caring voice. Kids can learn the Hug Song to sing along, develop their language skills by flipping between English and Spanish, or use their imaginations for any number of fun activities! 

The toy is recommended for babies ages 18 months to kids ages 4 years. This means they can grow up with a toy that is there for them at any time. The fabric can easily be wiped clean to make sure he can last for years. 

With Love to Hug Elmo, kids always have someone to cheer them up on a rainy day. What can be lovelier than that?

About the author

Nicole Savas

Nicole Savas

As a kid, Nicole either wanted to be a professional toy player-wither or a writer. Somehow, as social media director for The Toy Insider, The Toy Book, and The Pop Insider, she’s found a career as both. She's grateful to work somewhere that she can fully embrace both her love of teddy bears and her admiration for the Oxford comma. When she's not playing with toys at work, she's playing with her baby girl at home.
