For the longest time, monstrous bubbles could only be created by someone with a magical touch, but now it’s easier than ever for kids to create their very own giant bubbles (and still just as awe-inspiring).
The WOWmazing Unicorn Edition of South Beach Bubbles’ giant bubble line brings fun over the rainbow straight to your backyard. Kids can spend hours learning tricks and making the biggest bubbles they can manage.
To start the colorful adventure, kids need to grab a small bucket or large cup with 32 ounces of water. For me, it turned into a bit of a math problem as my bucket measured in liters and quarts, which I overestimated at first (I am a journalist, not a mathemetician), making the bubbles unable to stay formed. When I remembered my fourth-grade conversion charts, however, everything was a sitch. The bubbles work best with the exact amount of water — anything over and they don’t hold.

Besides two packets of the bubble concentrate, the box includes the unicorn-mane inspired bubble wand, a guide with tips and tricks, and eight sun-activated stickers to go for decoration. The stickers go from almost-white to colorful hues in a matter of seconds, bringing an extra dose of magic along. Check out the difference a little Vitamin D can do below!

For the biggest bubbles, kids dip the wand in the solution and bring it up with the wands close to each other. Slowly, they can move the wands apart and let the breeze take over. If they get the right amount of wind, a giant bubble will begin to form. If the air isn’t moving, kids can slowly guide the wands in a circle to create their own wind.
To make a tube as in the picture at the top, kids keep the wands apart. For giant bubbles, they’ll need to connect the tips together to cut the tube off. The Tips & Tricks guide includes five tricks and more are online with instructional videos. Parents who want to seem like the ultimate sorcerers could always keep the guide to themselves — imagine kids’ surprise when you can hold a bubble in your hand!

The power of unicorns and fun of bubbles truly create something out-of-this-world when connected, but kids looking for something even further out of the universe can also pick up the WOWmazing Space Edition Bubbles! With either, time is sure to fly by faster than a pegasus — no pixie dust necessary.