3Doodler Create+

3Doodler Create+

3Doodler’s range of 3D printing pens is used by kids in school and at home across the globe. To battle cabin fever and keep kids busy during this period of school closures, 3Doodler is hosting 3Doodler EDU, a livestream educational webinar series for kids to utilize their 3Doodler pens in a new, interactive way.   

Maxwell Bogue, 3Doodler’s founder and inventor, will host the weekly YouTube and Instagram Live series that focuses on STEM topics designed to encourage learners of all ages to create, build, and explore using 3D shapes.

The first episode of 3Doodler EDU is Wednesday, April 1 at 1 p.m. EST. on YouTube and Instagram Live, and will be available on-demand immediately upon completion.

Check out the full Webinar schedule, along with the materials kids will need for each lesson, below.

3Doodler EDU Webinar Schedule

For additional free resources to keep kids busy while schools are closed, check out the Toy Insider’s updated list here.

About the author

Josephine Baran

Josephine Baran

Josephine Baran is an Editorial Assistant for the Pop Insider, the Toy Insider, and leading toy industry magazine the Toy Book. Outside of toys, Josephine loves being a photographer, rereading Harry Potter, and playing with her two kitties Jax and Luna!
