Fans of Bluey can now introduce the show’s magic xylophone to playtime for games of freeze or musical exploration!

Bluey’s Magic Xylophone is available now. | Source: Kidz Toyz

Bluey’s Magic Xylophone is on shelves at Walmart, joining the Kidz Toyz line of Bluey musical toys, including guitars, keyboards, and drums. In the episode “Magic Xylophone,” Bluey and Bingo take turns freezing their dad with a “magic” xylophone. The siblings struggle but eventually learn to share the toy and the fun — and now your kids can join in!

The battery-free Magic Xylophone is small and portable. It includes a child-safe mallet on a string, making the accessory hard to lose. The instrument has four keys and closely resembles the animated instrument. It is for kids ages 3 and up and promotes creativity, music literacy, and imaginative play!

Families can find the magical melody maker at the link below, and parents can learn more about Bluey’s Magic Xylophone at


Source: Kidz Toyz

Source: Kidz Toyz

Source: Kidz Toyz

Source: Kidz Toyz

Source: Kidz Toyz

Inspired by Bluey’s Magic Xylophone, this toy celebrates the power of imagination and boundless possibilities. It includes a child-safe mallet on a string, has four keys, and closely resembles the animated instrument.

Product Facts

  • MSRP:
  • $12.99
  • Age:
  • 3+

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About the author

Katherine Hill

Katherine Hill

Katherine is a writer and editor. She has over a decade of experience crafting engaging content and managing editorial projects. She spends an inordinate amount of time looking for rare Care Bears and baseball jerseys online.
