Who says Legos, Nerf blasters, and R/C toys are just for boys? This stereotype is a thing of the past, and the great divide between boys’ and girls’ toys has officially been crossed. Many toy companies are taking toys that were traditionally designed for boys and tweaking the colors and designs to fit girls’ interests– and girls are loving it! With powerful female idols such as Katniss from The Hunger Games front and center in pop culture, girls are more empowered than ever—and their toys are beginning to reflect that.

Toy Insider Mom Laurie Schacht‘s thoughts on this trend are being broadcast in various news markets nationwide. Not only does she demonstrate some of the hottest boy-gone-girl toys on the market, but she explains how important this shift is for consumers and companies alike. Click here to watch the full TV spot!

goldieblox-and-the-spinning-machine-construction-toy-for-girls-2-300x2251GoldieBlox and the Spinning Machine (GoldieBlox)

  • This building set combines reading and construction as it aims to get girls building to inspire the next generation of female engineers.
  • In this story, Goldie must build a spinning machine to help her dog Nacho chase his tail.
  • The set includes a storybook, 5 animal figurines, 1 pegboard, 5 wheels, 10 axles, 5 blocks, 5 washers, 1 crank, and 1 ribbon.
  • Ages: 4-9
  • MSRP: $29.99
  • Available at Target and local retailers

TinkerToy.PinkBuildingSetTinkertoy Pink Building Set (K’NEX)

  • Designed especially to encourage girls to build, play and learn
  • Create a castle, flower, cat and more using the included guide of building ideasN
  • You’ll find the redesigned Tinkertoy pieces you remember, plus unique parts such as bendable rods, wheels, and eyes
  • Adorable buildable figures encourage imaginative role play.
  • Set includes 150 durable, plastic pieces including American made rods & spools, and personality parts, buildable-figure and more.
  • Packaging doubles as a sturdy storage box with lid for portability
  • Age: 3+
  • MSRP: $43.99
  • Available: Amazon, Target, Walmart

NerfRebelleStarShotNerf Rebelle Star Shot Target Set and Crossbow (Hasbro)

  • Compete with friends and test your skills in a bow-blasting competition
  • Pinpoint the target with the red laser light and watch the darts fly
  • Two different dart colors included so it’s easy to see where each dart lands on the target
  • Hone your aim to score 1, 3, 5, and 10 points
  • Includes a cross bow, a large size target, and 6 section-cup darts
  • Age: 8+
    MSRP: $19.99
  • Available: Toys “R” Us, Target, amazon.com

Zing.AirHuntressAir Huntress Z-Curve Bow (Zing)

  • Decked out in pink, purple and sparkles, the new Air Huntress is the next generation Z-Curve Bow.
  • As girls aspire to be the next Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games or Merida from Brave, this is a safe, realistic introduction to the sport of archery that can be used indoors or outside.
  • Both bows can launch soft-foam ammo more than 125 feet—a thrill factor for kids and parents alike.
  • Aspiring archers can choose between far-flying foam Z-Arrows and stick-anywhere suction cup Zartz.
  • Hook the ammo into the loading zone, line up the shot and let it fly!
  • Each includes two Z-Arrows and one Zartz.
  • Ages: 8+
  • MSRP: $24.99
  • Available: Toys “R” Us, Walmart, Amazon

LegoFriends.SunshineRanchLEGO Friends Sunshine Ranch (Lego)

  • This huge Lego set includes Mia and Liza minidoll figures and cute ranch animals, including 2 horses, a foal, 2 bunnie, a cat, and a hen.
  • The Ranch features stables, an outdoor seating area, a bathroom, bedroom, and a little kitchen.
  • Kids can have endless imaginative play with the included accessories such as eggs, a wheelbarrow, carrots, and everything needed for grooming the horse.
  • The great detail in this set even allows kids to open and close doors and windows and the open roof allows for easy play.
  • Ages: 6-12
  • MSRP: $69.99

mega_bloks.barbie_build_n_play_luxe_camper1Barbie Build ‘n Play Luxe Camper (Mega Bloks)

  • This buildable vacation camper features a hot tub, scooter, picnic table, and luxe camper BSKarbie with interchangeable skirt, and Chelsea figure.
  • Kids can build and decorate the sparkling pink camper any way they want.
  • Detailed accessories include a fire pit, lounge chair, picnic table, flowers, make-up kit, bunk beds, and much more.
  • Combine with Mega Bloks Barbie sets to build even more.
  • Ages: 4+
  • MSRP: $29.99

Skylanders SWAP Force Female Characters (Activison)Activision.SkylandersRollerBrawl

  • Video games are no longer boys’ domain with all new female Skylander characters!
  • Players can reconfigure 16 Swap Force characters into more than 250 unique combinations. Kids can mix and match characters’ powers and moves and then bring them to life in the game.
  • Fans of the franchise can also play Skylanders Swap Force with their entire collection of characters from both Skylanders Spyro’s Adventure and Skylanders Giants, now with the added capability of jumping.
  • Sassy and powerful females make their way to the screen in the newest version of the fan-favorite game.
  • Additional characters include Blizzard Chill, Smolderdash, Ninja Stealth Elf, Horn Blast Whirlwind, Heavy Duty Sprocket, Roller Brawl, Flashwing, and Scratch.
  • Age: 6+
  • MSRP: $9.99- $16.99 (per character)

NoomieNoomie (WowWee)

  • The ultra-interactive, happily addictive best friend for girls
  • R/C toy for girls—an aisle usually focused on boys
  • Six active themed accessories bring Noomie to life
  • Different combinations of accessories give Noomie fun an exciting personalities with traits, motion, and sound
  • Age: 5+
  • MSRP: $49.99
  • Available: Fall 2014

About the author

Deanna Atkins

Deanna Atkins

Deanna Atkins is the editorial assistant at Adventure Publishing Group. She helps the editorial team on leading trade magazines The Toy Book and The Licensing Book, and contributes online at toybook.com, licensingbook.com, and thebigtoybook.com. When she’s not trying to keep up with Toy Insider Mom Laurie Schacht, she can be found reviewing kids’ CDs, DVDs, and books while daydreaming about the upcoming How to Train Your Dragon sequel and reading the dictionary. Follow her on Twitter @Deeeannuh and keep up with her bi-weekly, sometimes funny commentaries on toybook.com.
