This is one small step for man, and one giant leap for stuffed animals everywhere!

Build-A-Bear is teaming up with Axiom Space to send a teddy bear beyond the atmosphere. GiGi the Build-A-Bear bear will be joining the Axiom Mission 3 (Ax-3) astronauts for her second space mission. The two companies partnered last year to send GiGi into space with Axiom Mission 2, and she’s ready to once again serve as the mission’s zero-gravity indicator.

Kids can get a Build-A-Bear that looks just like GiGi. | Source: Build-A-Bear

Build-A-Bear will be celebrating GiGi’s mission in style, with select stores offering sticker giveaways, appearances by mascot Bearemy, and the chance to make a Build-A-Bear outfitted in the Axiom Space’s Next-Generation Spacesuit from Jan. 13-20 at 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. The replica spacesuit is currently also available online at the Build-A-Bear website and Axiom Space website for kids who would like to outfit their favorite stuffed companion from home and follow along with GiGi’s journey.

The Ax-3 mission is the first all-European commercial astronaut mission to launch to the International Space Station, aiming to help provide a foundation for future Axiom Station plans. The mission includes Michael LĂłpez-AlegrĂ­a of the U.S. and Spain; Pilot Walter Villadei of the Italian Air Force; Mission Specialists Alper Gezeravci of Turkey and Marcus Wandt of Sweden and the European Space Agency; and, of course, Build-A-Bear GiGi.

About the author

Bug Hartsock

Bug Hartsock

Bug was a News Writer for The Toy Insider, The Pop Insider, and The Toy Book. When they aren’t writing or working with small critters, they spend their time reading sci-fi novels, playing tabletop RPGs, or throwing creative projects at the wall. Bug had a mullet once, and is not against having one again. Reach out or find more from them at their website.
