

Battling fierce dragons isn’t just for the big kids. Now gamers ages 5 and up can go head to head in Spin Master’s new trading card game, Dragamonz Ultimate Dragon Pack. 

The kit, which is packaged all in one convenient blind box, includes all the pieces necessary to carry out a strategic two-player card game. It comes with four collectible Dragamon dragons in eggs, two Dragamons out of eggs, six dragon cards, and 30 battle cards. There are more than 70 Dragamons to collect, including rare mystics and legendary mystics figures. 

The fun begins from the moment kids open the package. They’ll simply rip open the blind box and then start smashing the four — poor — eggs to reveal their collectible, mini, and super adorable dragons. Next, they’ll pull out the remaining open dragons. Finally, they’ll reveal illustrated dragon trading cards that list each Dragamon’s attack number, counter-attack number, faction, skill level, and trait, and the battle cards that list the boost number, bonus instructions, and skill cost for gameplay. 


During setup, each player chooses three dragons to play and takes their corresponding dragon card. They will place the Dragamonz on top of their matching dragon card in a row in front of them directly across from their opponent. Each dragon gets a deck of five cards that matches their faction. 

The youngest player goes first, chooses a dragon to battle, and pulls two cards from that dragon’s faction deck to play. That player places one of the two cards down next to the dragon in play, replaces the other at the bottom of the deck, and flips over the battle card in use during the round. This player will add the attack number on the dragon card to the boost number on the battle card.

Meanwhile, the opponent will add the counter-attack number to the boost number on their battle card. The dragon with the lower total is defeated and is removed from the game along with its cards. Players alternate turns until one loses all of their dragons. The one with dragons left standing is the winner. To continue the adventure off the table, kids can also play the free Dragamonz AR Battle app available in the Google Play Store and App Store. 

Dragamonz is perfect for school-aged children, as it teaches basic math and strategizing skills during fun and imaginative gameplay. Kids can also collect more dragons from additional packs and build their own card decks to plan out the best attacks during future battles. The instructions are easy to follow for young gamers just getting into trading card games, while the fun battles make it even more exciting to hunt for all of the figurines. The ultimate dragon adventure is just a few egg smashes away with this Dragamonz card game kit.

About the author

Victoria Rosenthal

Victoria Rosenthal

Victoria Rosenthal is an editorial/office assistant at Adventure Publishing Group. She helps the office with its day-to-day needs, whether that's contributing and editing content for the The Toy Book, The Toy Insider, and The Pop Insider, helping manage Adventure Publishing Group's social media accounts, or setting up hundreds of toys! Scouting and testing out awesome new board and card games with friends is Victoria's jam, but hand her a PlayStation controller during a game of Crash Bandicoot, and don’t expect to get a turn. Don't forget to say, “Hello!” when you call the office!
