Family bonding time is always better with laughter, cute animals, and maybe a little competition. The company behind Throw Throw Burrito, Exploding Kittens, is releasing four new card games that will fill your home with some giggles and friendly competitive discussions.

One party game — That Escalated Quickly — is available today, while Power Hungry Pets, Danger Danger, and Hoppy Salmon will be available in stores and online next month.

That Escalated Quickly includes a score mat and cards. | Source: Exploding Kittens

That Escalated Quickly, designed for kids ages 10 and up, is a re-imagined, English-language version of the German game Top Ten. In the game, a prompt card sets the scenario and players must work together to put silly answers in the correct numerical order. The card game encourages players to come up with crazy, creative answers to fit the scenario.

That Escalated Quickly is available now for $19.99 at the links below.

Power Hungry Pets features different cartoon animals. | Source: Exploding Kittens

Power Hungry Pets is a re-imagined version of Love Letter from Z-Man Games. Designed for kids ages 7 and up and deemed as a strategy game for those who hate strategy games, it culminates in a grab for power. The deck showcases Exploding Kittens’ cute little characters and signature artwork, and each card features a number and a way to backstab, steal from, or obliterate other players. Power Hungry Pets will be available at Target,, and for $14.99.

In Danger Danger, players draw and play cards as fast as possible for 60 seconds. | Source: Exploding Kittens

Danger Danger is designed for kids ages 7 and up. In the game, players draw and play cards as fast as possible for 60 seconds. The timer is hidden, so players don’t know how much time is left and if they are still playing when the buzzer goes off, they lose! Each card is worth a certain number of points, and the team with the most points wins. Try to be quick!

Danger Danger will be available at Target,, and for $14.99.

Happy Salmon has new Easter-themed features. | Source: Exploding Kittens

Hoppy Salmon, designed for kids ages 6 and up, is an Easter-themed adaptation of Exploding Kittens’ Happy Salmon with new Easter-themed actions. Hoppy Salmon will be available exclusively at Target and for $9.99.

Power Hungry Pets, Danger Danger, and Hoppy Salmon will be available to add to your game shelf on Feb. 18.


Players must respond to the prompt card’s scenario with the intensity of their crazy, silly answer matching a provided secret number. Players can work together to put the absurd answers in correct numerical order based on scales like “tastiest to grossest,” “cutest to scariest,” and more.

Product Facts

  • MSRP:
  • $19.99
  • Age:
  • 10+

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About the author

Samantha Connell

Samantha Connell

Samantha is an Assistant Editor for The Toy Book, The Pop Insider, and The Toy Insider. She loves to write, craft, watch Pride and Prejudice, and play with her adorable dog, Willow. She is a Ravenclaw, Star Wars fan (prequels included), and Clemson alumna. She also thinks that she is the favorite aunt.
