For years, kids have been throwing down cards and playing Fluxx. Now, they can play Fluxx as they travel the world from the comfort of home. The two latest versions of Fluxx — Across America Fluxx and Around the World Fluxx — take players on a whirlwind adventure.
The Fluxx card game rules are simple: Players start with three cards, play one card, and draw one card. However, as the game progresses, the rules change and players must accomplish different goals, play cards in a different way, and more. The game is designed for kids ages 8 and up.
Each deck features dozens of cards with iconic American and worldwide landmarks, including the Statue of Liberty, the Golden Gate Bridge, the Rapa Nui statues on Easter Island, the Great Pyramids of Giza, and more! If players are feeling ambitious, they can even combine the two decks for bigger games with bigger stakes.
Both of Looney Lab’s new versions of Fluxx are available for $20 at and Amazon. Even if kids haven’t left their home, the new versions of Fluxx will help them see all of the cool places and landmarks that the world has to offer!