With Tamagotchis, life finds a way. In celebration of the 30th anniversary of Jurassic Park, Bandai Namco Toys & Collectibles America is releasing two new Tamagotchi devices inspired by the film.
The amber Tamagotchi takes design inspiration from the fossilized tree resin found in the 1993 movie. This Tamagotchi features a golden brown color and the classic Jurassic Park logo. The second version is the dinosaur egg, a speckled white device with a red eye poking through a crack.
With these virtual pet devices, kids ages 8 and up can raise and nurture dinosaurs, feeding them leaves and nuts if they are herbivores or meat and fish if they are carnivores. When the dinos find themselves in a bad mood, kids can give them a snack or play three mini games: “Which One?” “Escape,” and “Catch Food!” Depending on how well players take care of the Tamagotchis, the characters can evolve into more than 20 different dinosaurs, some of which are rare. However, if kids don’t take proper care of them, the dinos will leave.
These Tamagotchis were originally a Comic-Con International: San Diego exclusive launch over the summer, and they are now available to preorder for the general public. Get them on Amazon for $20.99 each.