Looking for another fun way to get your kids outside and on the move? Look no further than Koosh Flix Stix by PlayMonster, which are sure to get kids engaged in some physical activity!
Designed for kids ages 6 and up, the set comes with three simple items: two Flix Stix and a Koosh ball. Each Flix Stix is designed with a large pocket at the top, with plastic web-like spokes around the opening that keep the Koosh ball in place once you catch it. The Flix Stix can also launch the Koosh ball, so kids can pass the ball back and forth between each other and engage in a lacrosse-style game.

The game is easy to use and hardly requires instructions, especially for players who have used a lacrosse stick before. Those who have not may need a few tries to get the hang of the Flix Stix but, once they get used to the launching motion, it’s simple.
Playing for an extended period of time is a breeze, since the handles of the Flix Stix are lightweight and comfortable to hold. Players — especially older ones — will often find themselves only needing to grip the handle with one hand, but smaller kids might find it easier to use two hands if it is too heavy for them.
The ball is perfectly safe for kids to play with, thanks to its soft, squishy, texture. Plus, it doesn’t bounce, so you don’t need to spend any extra time chasing the ball around if your kids don’t catch it — a big plus! Koosh Flix Stix is OK to play indoors, too, but if kids want to achieve greater distances when they toss the Koosh ball, the game is best played outdoors. Players can also purchase extra Koosh balls that are not included in the set if they want to add new rules and variations to the game.
Koosh Flix Stix is a great way to get moving. Although the game is designed for kids 6 and up, anyone can play! Kids can get friends, parents, or family members in on the fun, as this game is suitable for almost any age group. Players can stand close together in distance, or run around and try to catch the ball in their Flix Stix for more intense, fast-paced gameplay.
Overall, this game is interactive and engaging for kids and their families, and the perfect way to add some fun exercise into their daily routine!