In a cyclical world, it’s not uncommon to come across new spins on classic play patterns. What is uncommon is to see a reinvention that combines ideas in a way that’s so simple and perfect that you wonder what took so long to make it happen.
Fat Brain Toys‘ Mr. Bendy is a prime example.
We’ve all played charades, a game of performance art that some say dates back to the 18th century. And, most of us have done a bit of crafting over the years. Mr. Bendy combines those things into a game in which the titular character can be anything that a player imagines — but they have to be quick to craft!
In this fast-paced game recommended for 3-6 players ages 8 and up (though some younger kids will certainly want in on the fun), opponents face off while taking turns as a creator, decorating Mr. Bendy based on an idea posited by one of 60 prompt cards.
As the sand timer winds down, players use wax sticks to craft accessories and features for Mr. Bendy that, if done well, will elicit a correct response from another player. Is Mr. Bendy a scarecrow? Is he a pirate? How about a soccer player?
If someone guesses correctly, they score a point and the creator scores as many points as the prompt is worth. If no one guesses correctly, no points are awarded and it’s the next player’s turn. The player with the most points after four rounds wins! Mr. Bendy comes with 84 tokens that players can use to make sure that scoring is properly tracked.
If you’re looking for a great game to enjoy during family gatherings during the holiday season or just something fresh to play on game night, pick up a copy of Mr. Bendy. It’s a rare example of an occasion where it’s good to be a poser!
Prompt cards inspire players to craft quickly to transform Mr. Bendy using wax sticks. Is he a golfer? An astronaut? Players score points by guessing correctly, and the player with the most points after four rounds wins the game.