Bedtime keeps getting better!

We already told you about the cuddly cute Bearabuddies from Bearaby. Much like the company’s other products, these weighted stuffed animals are designed to provide relaxation and stress relief to adults. Four new Bearabuddies are now here to help anyone and everyone slip into a stress-free sleep. If the original bear, elephant, or rabbit weren’t the perfect fit for you or your kids, there are new animals for you to find a favorite!

Much like the original Bearabuddies, each of the new stuffed animals comes with an intro card including their name, profession, hobbies, and even personalized relaxation tips. Included in the new collection are Suzy Sloth, a coffee-obsessed accountant; Darcy Dog, a consultant who loves adventures and geocaching; Daisy Dino, a micro-influencer who loves walks in the park; and Cody Cow, a pilates instructor and chef. 

Each Bearabuddy plush is made with 100% cotton knit and Terracly, Bearaby’s biodegradable clay that gives the stuffed animals their signature weight. Every Bearabuddy also has a “super paw — an extra long arm that is extra weighted for comfort.

The new Bearabuddies plush are available now on Bearaby’s website, and ready to provide relief to kids and adults alike for $99. If even more relaxing bedtime tools are needed, Bearaby has more where that came from. From weighted blankets designed for kids or adults to cuddly pillows, the company is on a mission to make every sleep a success!


Four new Bearabuddies are joining bedtime! These weighted stuffed animals are made sustainably and designed to reduce stress. The new line includes Suzy Sloth, Cody Cow, Darcy Dog, and Daisy Dino.

Product Facts

  • MSRP:
  • $99
  • Age:
  • 3+

About the author

Bug Hartsock

Bug Hartsock

Bug is a News Writer for The Toy Insider, The Pop Insider, and The Toy Book. They are also a Master’s student in biology, currently studying sleep in arthropods. When they aren’t writing or working with small critters, they spend their time reading sci-fi novels, playing tabletop RPGs, or throwing creative projects at the wall. Bug had a mullet once, and is not against having one again. Reach out or find more from them at their website.
