A new animated series is coming to PBS Kids! Carl the Collector follows a group of neurodivergent and neurotypical friends, with a focus on characters on the autism spectrum — and it’s the first series to center on characters with autism!

The main character, Carl, is an autistic raccoon who loves to collect items and see his friends and family in Fuzzytown. His attention to detail and unique ideas allow him to expand his collection, which includes items like sweaters, autographs, and pet rocks, and help friends solve problems in the neighborhood. Lotta, Carl’s fox friend, is also autistic — she experiences hypersensitivity to certain food textures, smells, and loud sounds. She is musically talented and loves art.

Carl is a furry raccoon! | Source: PBS Kids

Carl’s best friend Sheldon is also featured in the show. He’s an empathetic beaver who sometimes helps Carl navigate certain social situations and provides support. Other characters include identical twin bunny sisters and an impulsive squirrel with a nut allergy.

Your kid can follow along as the TV show celebrates our similarities and differences. It aims to showcase how we can help each other and understand that people think differently. In each episode, Carl and his furry friends play together and discover who they are. Sometimes, Carl struggles with anxiety in new situations and feels odd when things don’t go well. In one episode, Lotta combats her feelings after she’s nicknamed “Headphone Girl” due to the headphones she wears for her sensitivity to loud noises. Kids can watch and relate to different characters, or learn how to support their friends that are similar to those on the screen.

The show is designed for viewers ages 4-8, but kids of all ages can learn from and grow with the characters. Your family can watch Carl the Collector when it debuts on PBS Kids on Nov. 14.

About the author

Samantha Connell

Samantha Connell

Samantha is an Assistant Editor for The Toy Book, The Pop Insider, and The Toy Insider. She loves to write, craft, watch Pride and Prejudice, and play with her adorable dog, Willow. She is a Ravenclaw, Star Wars fan (prequels included), and Clemson alumna. She also thinks that she is the favorite aunt.
