Discover fun adventures with the Mira Royal Detective Dolls, inspired by Disney Junior’s new show, Mira Royal Detective. Standing 10-inches tall, Mira comes dressed in her lovely iconic outfits from the show, including earrings and removable shoes. She comes with her magnifying glass necklace, which kids can use to detect hidden patterns on her clothing. Her long, silky hair features her signature hair barrette. These articulated dolls promote imaginative play, allowing kids to reenact their favorite cases from the show. Mira’s outfits are removable, and her rooted hair is perfect for brushing and styling. Available in two styles: Celebration Doll and Detective Doll. Discover fun adventures with the Mira Royal Detective Dolls, inspired by Disney Junior’s new show, Mira Royal Detective. Standing 10-inches tall, Mira comes dressed in her lovely iconic outfits from the show, including earrings and removable shoes. She comes with her magnifying glass necklace, which kids can use to detect hidden patterns on her clothing. Her long, silky hair features her signature hair barrette. These articulated dolls promote imaginative play, allowing kids to reenact their favorite cases from the show. Mira’s outfits are removable, and her rooted hair is perfect for brushing and styling. Available in two styles: Celebration Doll and Detective Doll.

Product Facts

  • MSRP:
  • $14.99
  • Age:
  • 3+

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