Lil’ Cuddles by Madame Alexander’s smallest doll is great for those occasions where a child’s full size baby needs to stay at home. Take baby on visits to grandparents, in the car, to the store! Soft, cuddly, and sweet, the baby doll teaches kids to love, nurture and imagine. Each doll has a soft fabric body with molded head and limbs, ready for cuddling. Lil’ Cuddles by Madame Alexander’s smallest doll is great for those occasions where a child’s full size baby needs to stay at home. Take baby on visits to grandparents, in the car, to the store! Soft, cuddly, and sweet, the baby doll teaches kids to love, nurture and imagine. Each doll has a soft fabric body with molded head and limbs, ready for cuddling.

Product Facts

  • MSRP:
  • CAD $24.97
  • Age:
  • 6+

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