The Aerobie Orbiter Boomerang flies through the air up to 90 feet before it comes back! The boomerang’s soft edges and triangle shape provide a secure grip for easier throws and catches. The open center allows kids to personalize their throwing and catching style. The Aerobie Orbiter can be tuned to adjust the flight path. Gently bend the soft rubber wingtips up for higher flights and bend the wingtips down for lower flights. Experiment with your launch angles and height to perfect the exact flight arc back to you! The Aerobie Orbiter Boomerang flies through the air up to 90 feet before it comes back! The boomerang’s soft edges and triangle shape provide a secure grip for easier throws and catches. The open center allows kids to personalize their throwing and catching style. The Aerobie Orbiter can be tuned to adjust the flight path. Gently bend the soft rubber wingtips up for higher flights and bend the wingtips down for lower flights. Experiment with your launch angles and height to perfect the exact flight arc back to you!

Product Facts

  • MSRP:
  • $27.99 CAD
  • Age:
  • 13+

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