Miko: The Animated Series shows Liza, Red, and Blue going on scientific adventures! | Source: Miko

The cutest pair of robots are coming to YouTube

Miko: The Animated Series, which is produced by Moonbug Entertainment, follows 6-year-old Liza and her two robot friends. Red and Blue the robots are based on the real-life toy for kids, the Miko 3 Personal AI Robot. In the show, the three friends battle dancing robots, race with smart unicycles, and have other scientific adventures! 


Every episode features different robotic themes, with characters fixing faulty robot coding and having fun along the way. The first season of Miko: The Animated Series will have 20, two-minute-long episodes. The first three episodes of the first season will launch biweekly through December and the rest will follow early next year. 

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The first episode, “Mecha-Miko Vs. Lizilla,” came out on Tuesday, Nov. 15. In the episode, Red and Blue have to combine to beat Liza in a game of giant monster in the Holodeck. Episode two, “Twinkle Terror,” will come out on Nov. 29, following Liza and the Mikos as they work together to stop the Smart Christmas lights from singing Halloween songs. The third episode, “Trash or Treasure,” shows Red and Blue trying to stop a Trashbot from thinking that everything is trash and must be thrown out. “Trash or Treasure” will come out on Dec. 13.

The Miko 3 Robot helps kids with education, speech, and physical activity. | Source: Miko

The show is designed to get kids excited about robotics and coding, just like the Miko 3 robot. Miko 3 engages kids in academics, improves their speech, and even gets them moving by rolling around the house! Adults can buy Miko 3 for $299.99 at miko.ai.

As the weather keeps kids inside this winter, they can curl up on the couch and learn about robotics with Miko: The Animated Series!

About the author

Ashley Pelletier

Ashley Pelletier

Ashley is assistant editor for The Toy Insider, The Pop Insider, and The Toy Book with a Master's in journalism from Quinnipiac University. When she isn’t writing her latest story, she is reading a fantasy novel or rewatching one of her three favorite TV shows over and over again. She’s also a big fan of showing people pictures of her two dogs and cat.
