The second installment of American Girl’s Conversations for Change series is here and the new episode is focusing on the environment and sustainability.
Titled “Use Your Outside Voice: Climate Change,” the episode highlights four female changemakers who are putting the spotlight on the climate crisis and taking a stand to help save the planet in a virtual roundtable discussion. The teen activists include Haven Coleman, co-founder of US Youth Climate Strike and founder of Arid Agency; Iris Zhan, co-founder of Fridays For Future Digital and founder of a local hub of the Sunrise Movement; Genesis Butler, founder of Genesis for Animals and Youth Climate Save; and American Girl author and former biochemist Erin Teagan. The discussion aims to spread awareness and offer solutions to create a more sustainable world.
Conversations for Change is a four-part series that showcases girls and young women who are making positive changes in the world with stories that inspire empathy, equality, and inclusivity. The series launched in February with an episode called “4 Generations of Black Voices.”
For families looking to further explore the climate change episode’s messaging, the American Girl’s “Girl of the Year” doll is Kira Bailey, a character who makes a difference by caring for animals and the environment. American Girl previously announced it is donating $25,000 to Earth Uprising — a youth-led nonprofit organization that focuses on climate education, climate advocacy, and youth mobilization — and matching customer donations dollar for dollar up to $25,000 to help rehabilitate and preserve Australian wildlife. American Girl also published an advice book, called Love the Earth, to offer tips and tools to live an eco-friendly lifestyle.
Watch the new Conversations for Change episode here.