Goal: $100,000
Funding Period: June 3, 2014-July 3, 3014
Creator: Jyrobike Inc.
Jyrobike Inc. has gotten rid of the concept of training wheels and pedal-less bikes, all while revolutionizing a kid’s first bike riding experience. The company designs and manufactures the world’s first and only Auto Balance Bicycles, called the Jyrobike, with a Control Hub built into the front wheel. The Control Hub has a motor driven gyroscope inside of it, which keeps the rider balanced and upright while he or she is pedaling, even if he or she tips or wobbles. It can also be placed on a standard bike wheel.
According to special needs experts, the Jyrobike may be able to help individuals with cognitive disorders, attention deficit, and proprioceptive or balance challenges. The technology for the bike is based upon concepts used in gyroscopes and flywheels. When turned on, it acts like a gyroscope and provides a stabilizing force like those that keep helicopters stable in the air and spaceships in orbit. The first Jyrobikes are aimed at kids ages 3 to 8 and will be available in 12 inch and 16 inch wheel sizes. The campaign has already exceeded its initial funding of $100,000.
Kickstarter donations range from $5 to $5,000 and prizes include a Jyrobike, Control Hub with a wireless controller, hoodies, and a handmade control hub prototype. The campaign has exceeded its first stretch goal, which unlocked four colors for the Jyrobike: pink, red, purple, and blue. Several other stretch goals will be offered in the coming weeks.
The first Jyrobikes are expected to hit the US market by Q1 next year. Click here to support Jyrobike!