So you’re a new parent, huh? Or maybe you have a 9-month-old baby in your life that wants a cuddly new friend. Whatever your deal is, before you snag any old stuffed animal off the toy store shelf, think about the play experience you’re giving to baby. Can baby interact with the stuffed animal? Will baby’s face light up with glee if/when the stuffed animal starts to sing? Is this the type of stuffed animal baby can only cuddle with, or the type that baby can actually play with? Listen here, I got your fix. You don’t even have to have a baby. You could just be like me who likes collecting cute things!
For those looking for an interactive plush to gift baby, Just Play has created Disney Baby Mickey Mouse Mouse and Minnie Mouse plushies! These little buddies are super soft and cuddly, but they also play and interact with baby through music and movement. And yes, prepare for an AWW moment—they are actually Mickey and Minnie as real live mouse babies (gosh, they’re so young—those cheeks!). Just to think, soon they’ll grow up and run off to Magic Kingdom and the kids will go to college.
There are two types of Disney Baby plushes: Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse Musical Crawling Pals and Peek-A-Boo Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse. Both are incredibly cuddly, adorable and playful. They’re not donning their classic red and white attire this time around —they’re dressed in patterned onesies, baby fashion, ya feel? Each one is sold separately, as in Mickey Crawling Pal is a different product that Minnie Crawling Pal.
Babies can interact with the Musical Crawling Pals by gently pressing Mickey or Minnie’s back to activate soothing music and watch as they sweep across the floor! Don’t worry—they’re pretty slow, and won’t be racing baby. The Musical Crawling Pals are made with super soft and cuddly fabrics and come in the perfect size for little hands. They’re also quite talkative (more than their Peek-A-Boo counterparts) and will ask baby “Would you like to crawl with me?”
Babies will also love to play peek-a-boo with Peek-A-Boo Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse. Baby can press Mickey or Minnie’s feet to activate soothing music and watch as Minnie or Mickey move their hands in front of their face. “Peek-A-Boo, I see you,” they’ll whisper to baby.

What’s great about these plushes is they each have their own distinct personality. Not only is it exhibited in the style and clothing, but also in the way each character interacts with baby. And I would just like to capitalize once again on the fact that they are ADORABLE!
And now, I shall crawl away!