I don’t know about you, but I always enjoy a game of pick-up sticks. My first set was a tube of colorful plastic rods, and later I picked up a nice set of wooden ones as a souvenir on vacation. S’getti Scatter, from Fisher-Price, is similar to pick-up sticks, but it adds in the context of a sneaker-wearing spaghetti bowl and googly-eyed meatballs. To start, players ages 3 and up take turns placing the squiggly plastic “s’getti” strands onto the rim of the bowl, creating what looks sort of like a wavy net suspended above the space below. Then, players carefully place the three meatballs on top.

In the beginner version of the game, players take turns removing s’getti strands of any color until someone makes a meatball drop. When that happens, the bowl tips over, sending the s’getti and meatballs scattering. The hollow meatballs make a fun sound when the bounce on a hard surface, and the rim of the bowl conveniently flips over to help store the contents. More advanced players can up the ante by limiting the s’getti strands that they remove to one color only.

This is a fun game for kids and also helps them to learn strategy and cause-and-effect, as just one wrong move can cost players the game. Parents and older siblings can get in on the fun too, giving the whole family a fun game to play together.

About the author

Christine Duhaime

Christine Duhaime

Christine Duhaime is an associate editor at Adventure Publishing Group. She contributes to leading trade magazines The Toy Book and The Licensing Book and manages all editorial content for thelicensingbook.com. She also contributes to seasonal publication The Halloween Insider and blogger reference site thebigtoybook.com Christine is a nostalgia junkie and a plush enthusiast. She enjoys exploring and photography, and is always up for an impromtu adventure. You can follow her on Instagram @christineduhaime.
