If there’s one thing kids love, it’s bright colors. Crayola is bringing its iconic colors to a collaboration with Kohl’s!

This limited-edition collection will inspire creativity in kids and adults alike, including apparel, accessories, gifts, impulse buys, home decor and more. Some highlights to the collection include pajamas for all ages, a scooter, tabletop decor, scented candles, and more. 

The Kohl’s Crayola apparel is full of color for all ages! | Source: Crayola

Select items in the collection are spinoffs of the Crayola Colors of Kindness collection, which features inspiring phrases and positive self-talk to inspire kids to have healthy mindsets and be kind to others. Kids will particularly enjoy the giant Crayola plushes, which feature crayons and colored pencils that are packed with personality. 

The collection will launch exclusively at Kohl’s and at kohls.com starting on Monday, Oct. 2, but Kohl’s Rewards members can access the collection starting on Friday, Sept. 29. Whether kids need an extra splash of color in their life or go through boxes of Crayola crayons and colored pencils faster than the adults in their life can buy them, this collection is a must-have!

About the author

Ashley Pelletier

Ashley Pelletier

Ashley is assistant editor for The Toy Insider, The Pop Insider, and The Toy Book with a Master's in journalism from Quinnipiac University. When she isn’t writing her latest story, she is reading a fantasy novel or rewatching one of her three favorite TV shows over and over again. She’s also a big fan of showing people pictures of her two dogs and cat.
