Goal: $10,000
Funding Period: Until March 31
Creator: ThinkFun Inc. 

Roller Coaster Challenge, from ThinkFun, is logic game that has players build a roller coaster on their board. Kids set up the board based on instructions on the challenge card, and are left to build a roller coaster that solves the challenges on the card. If the coaster is functioning at the end, it’s a winner!

There are 40 challenge cards that come with the game, and they progress in difficulty as the challenges move from easy, to medium, to hard, and to super hard. There is also an option for free form coaster building, with pieces like the loop-de-loop to add to the fun.

Roller Coaster Challenge aims to develop logical reasoning and critical thinking skills for kids.

Kickstarter donations range from $25 to $35 and prizes include a copy of the game, 20 bonus challenges, and exclusive blue cars only given certain Kickstarter purchases.

Click here to support ThinkFun!

About the author

Kristen Nelson

Kristen Nelson

Kristen Nelson is an assistant editor at Adventure Publishing Group. She does weekly toy reviews for The Toy Insider and contributes to the trade magazines The Toy Book and The Licensing Book. She is an expert in Penn State sports, as well as with numerous cooking techniques. Kristen has been crowned the Queen of Potatoes, but her friends call her Lady Spud. When not yelling at the TV during football or hockey games, she is often binge-watching virtually any cooking show. You can delve into her witty mind and follow her on Twitter @Krypton_87.
