Goal: $60,000
Funding Period: Until Aug. 6, 2015
Stretch Goal: $100,000
Creator: LegoGo Bikes LLC
photo-original (1) copyAs long as kids have the Leg&Go Bike, they can say goodbye to bruises and scratches when they first learn how to ride a bike.

Built without training wheels, the Leg&Go Balance Bike, from LegGo Bikes LLC, incorporates a steering limiter, natural suspension, and a bigger front wheel to smooth out bumps and create a more comfortable and enjoyable ride. Engineered with top quality products such as FSC certified birch plywood, steel spokes, alloy rims, and a non-toxic saddle, the bike is built for riders between the ages of 8 months to 6 years old.

Assembled with versatile size transitions, the bike changes as your child grows up! Each position can be adjusted for a set stage in a kid’s development. From the Baby Bike, providing extra support, to a preschooler’s first cruise downhill, these bicycles can do it all!

Additional versions of the Leg&Go bicycle include the rocking elephant, creating a safer ride for babies; the pedal bike, propelled by a durable belt instead of a steel chain; and the rear drive tricycle.

Kickstarter pledges range from $10 to $8,000 and rewards include your name pinned to the Leg&Go Bike office wall, a pair of balance and downhill bicycles, becoming a Leg&Go business agent. If the stretch goal of $100,000 is reached, Leg&Go will develop a Polar Bike after the original campaign is over.

Click Here to support LegGo Bikes!

About the author

Tatyana Bellamy-Walker

Tatyana Bellamy-Walker

Tatyana Bellamy Walker is an editorial intern for Adventure Publishing Group and assists the editors with the leading trade book magazines, The Toy Book and The Licensing Book and online at toybook.com and licensingbook.com. As a student journalist for the New York Amsterdam News and Teen Voices with Women's eNews, she enjoys giving a voice to minorities in mainstream media. Next year, she will be the assistant news editor of her college newspaper The Oswegonian. You can follow her on Twitter at @bell_tati.
