Our family always has apple picking on our fall agenda. If you do, then you want to check out this post with apple picking tips! However, once you pick those bushels of apples, what do you do with them all, other than eat them? Play with them, of course!
Inevitability, we get apple-d out. We feast on apple pie, apple strudel, apple jelly, and apple crisp, and after all that, we do not want any more apples. But don’t let the rest go to waste! Use those juicey reds in future learning and play opportunities.
![apple activities using real apples](https://thetoyinsider.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/apple-activities-using-real-apples.jpg)
Apple Building: Put away the legos and cut up some apples! Cut a variety of apples into small pieces, then grab some toothpicks and see what the kids can create. Feel free to sprinkle some lemon juice on the pieces before hand so they don’t get too brown while the kids are playing.
Apple Relay: Have some fun with apple relays. Grab some spoons and place an apple on top and create some races. Make it simple at first, with the kids running from one end of the yard to the other with an apple showing the starting line and finish line. Then take some more apples and make a course. Place apples in a straight line about 2 feet apart and have the kids weave in and out of the apples. Or create a circle and have them go around and around! Speaking of circles, don’t forget a fun game like Hot Apple! Similar to Hot Potato, play music while passing the apple around in a circle and when the music stops, whomever is holding the apple is out! Keep playing until there is one winner! Make sure to have lots fun prizes!
Look for more fun fall activities? Check out this other parent panel post with other fall activities, or visit these posts for fun ideas for food art apple snacks and apple crafts!