Launching in May, series three of RedwoodVenturesSmooshy Mushy slow-rise collectible line introduces the Smooshy Mushy Creamery sweet squad!

The tasty creamery-themed treats come in eight different styles, each packaged in a super cool ice cream cone. Kids twist the top of the ice cream scoop to discover which Smooshy Mushy pet is hiding inside. Plus, they can get a whiff of the super sweet scent! So smooshy, so squishy, and now so sweet! You can see the full Toy Insider review here.

I unboxed my own Smooshy Mushy series three collectible with help from my daughter, revealing Rose Rabbit and her bestie Sara Sundae. After we did, we got a major sweet tooth and wanted to make some ice cream sundaes! Here is how you can make your own Rose Rabbit/Sara Sundae combination for real!


What you need:

Pink Ice Cream: Any flavor as long as it is pink. Could even be sherbet! However, aim for a pink hue to reflect “Rose” Rabbit. We went with strawberry—a classic!

Whipped Cream: Essential for a sundae! Mix with green food coloring if you want. You can find also fine organic, natural versions in your local health food store.

M&Ms (or equivalent): For eyes.

Licorice: For whiskers.

Vanilla Wafers (or equivalent): For ears! You could even use vanilla sandwich cookies or cut a waffle in quarters.

Optional – Chocolate Sauce: Dip the tips of the ears into chocolate sauce for a sweet, cocoa flavor.

Colorful Sprinkles: Top with sprinkles to give her some sweet sparkle.

Put it all together, similar to this picture, and dig-in to satisfy that Sweet Tooth!

Alternatively, make an ice cream dish that looks like Sara Sundae herself! Simply place a scoop of mint chocolate chip ice cream in a bowl. Top with whipped cream, chocolate sauce, a cherry and sprinkles—yum!


About the author

Charlene DeLoach

Charlene DeLoach

Charlene DeLoach is a contributing editor at The Toy Insider where she primarily covers parenting topics. Charlene has been featured in print and on television more than 100 times. Before joining The Toy Insider, Charlene was an attorney, real estate broker, and interior decorator. In her current life, she has vowed to get grownups using toys as decor and to teach parents and toy companies to think outside the toy box at her websites and Follow Charlene on Instagram where you'll see that her account is mostly dedicated to pics of her cute dogs, kids, and fun finds.
